Ikigai, the path to purpose in life and startups

It was both a pleasure and honor to be at The Pain of Scale podcast by Notion Capital with Stephen Millard and Paul Papadimitriou. We talked about Ikigai not only at a personal level but also in terms of groups of people, startups, companies and organizations in general.

Highlights of our conversation: 

  • Ikigai is a clash of ideas from existentialism, to meditation, to flow, to healthy aging.  All these come together to create a powerful meaning for a life well lived and a company that endures.
  • As a company or organization you should “tinker and try” until you find your Ikigai. Keep trying and and tinker until you feel you are aligned with your Ikigai.
  • Wabi sabi and imperfection. I would remove the word “perfection” from the dictionary!

This is how the recording with Stephen and Paul looked like 🙂

If you prefer you can also listen to the podcast in your favorite platform

Apple Podcastshttps://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/notion-capital-enterprise-tech-startups/id1089580380#episodeGuid=b2141ac2-7dfd-4867-885c-d6f4938d3b08


Google Podcastshttps://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRwcmVzcy5tZS9ub3Rpb25jYXBpdGFs/episode/YjIxNDFhYzItN2RmZC00ODY3LTg4NWMtZDZmNDkzOGQzYjA4?hl=en-GB&ved=2ahUKEwi3iLzChMbsAhXSi1wKHd1wBXAQjrkEegQIDBAF&ep=6



Ganaa: https://gaana.com/song/p501-ikigai-the-path-to-purpose-in-life-and-startups

Transcript: if you prefer reading here is the whole transcript of our conversation: https://notion.vc/resources/ikigai-the-path-to-purpose-in-life-and-startups/